To make a gift to one of the funds, click on the corresponding green Support this Fund button to be directed to the fund's giving form. If you're interested in learning more about how to establish a named endowed fund benefitting a specific Alpha Chi Omega program, contact us at
Provides grants to support renovation, redecorating or operations of educational areas of the Alpha Beta chapter (Purdue University) house.
Provides grants to support renovation, redecorating or operations of educational areas of the Alpha chapter (DePauw University) house.
Provides grants to support renovation, redecorating or operations of educational areas of the Alpha Kappa chapter (University of Oregon) house.
Provides grants to support renovation, redecorating or operations of educational areas of the Alpha Lambda chapter (University of Minnesota) house.
Provides grants to support renovation, redecorating or operations of educational areas of the Alpha Omicron chapter (The Ohio State University) house.
Provides grants to support renovation, redecorating or operations of educational areas of the Alpha Phi chapter (University of Texas at Austin) house.
Provides grants to support renovation, redecorating or operations of educational areas of the Alpha Pi chapter (University of North Dakota) house.
Provides grants to support renovation, redecorating or operations of educational areas of the Alpha Psi chapter (UCLA) house.
Provides grants to support renovation, redecorating or operations of educational areas of the Beta Epsilon chapter (Michigan State University) house.
Provides grants to support renovation, redecorating or operations of educational areas of the Beta Eta chapter (Florida State University) house.
Provides grants to support renovation, redecorating or operations of educational areas of the Beta Lambda chapter (University of Arizona) house.
Provides grants to support renovation, redecorating or operations of educational areas of the Beta Psi (Louisiana Tech University) house.
Provides grants to support renovation, redecorating or operations of educational areas of the Beta Sigma chapter (University of Georgia) house.
Provides grants to support renovation, redecorating or operations of educational areas of the Beta Xi chapter (Utah State University) house.
Provides grants to support renovation, redecorating or operations of educational areas of the Delta Omega chapter (University of Kentucky) house.
Provides grants to support renovation, redecorating or operations of educational areas of the Delta Pi chapter University of Tennessee, Knoxville) house.
Provides grants to support renovation, redecorating or operations of educational areas of the Delta Rho chapter (University of Arkansas) house.
Provides grants to support renovation, redecorating or operations of educational areas of the Epsilon chapter (University of Southern California) house.
Provides grants to support renovation, redecorating or operations of educational areas of the Epsilon Kappa chapter (California State University-Fullerton) house.
Provides grants to support renovation, redecorating or operations of educational areas of the Epsilon Phi chapter (Georgia Institute of Technology) house.
Provides grants to support renovation, redecorating or operations of educational areas of the Epsilon Upsilon chapter (Mississippi State University) house.
Provides grants to support renovation, redecorating or operations of educational areas of the Gamma Epsilon chapter (Oklahoma State University) house.
Provides grants to support renovation, redecorating or operations of educational areas of the Gamma Rho chapter (Texas Tech University) house.
Provides grants to support renovation, redecorating or operations of educational areas of the Gamma Sigma chapter (University of Rhode Island) house.
Provides grants to support renovation, redecorating or operations of educational areas of the Gamma Xi chapter (Western Michigan University) house.
Provides grants to support renovation, redecorating or operations of educational areas of the Iota chapter (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) house.
Provides grants to support renovation, redecorating or operations of educational areas of the Iota Sigma (Southern Methodist University) house.
Provides grants to support renovation, redecorating or operations of educational areas of the Kappa chapter (University of Wisconsin - Madison) house.
Provides grants to support renovation, redecorating or operations of educational areas of the Lambda Pi chapter (University of Mississippi) house.
Housing fund for Omega Chapter (Washington State University)
Provides grants to support renovation, redecorating or operations of educational areas of the Phi chapter (University of Kansas) house.
Provides grants to support renovation, redecorating or operations of educational areas of the Pi chapter (University of California, Berkeley) house.
Provides grants to support renovation, redecorating or operations of educational areas of the Psi chapter (University of Oklahoma) house.
Provides grants to support renovation, redecorating or operations of educational areas of the Theta Upsilon chapter (University of South Carolina) house.
Fund to benefit chapter housing projects at the Alpha Eta chapter (University of Mount Union).
Provides grants to support renovation, redecorating or operations of educational areas of the Zeta Nu chapter (Texas A&M University) house.
Provides grants to support renovation, redecorating or operations of educational areas of the Zeta Sigma chapter (Missouri State University) house.
Provides grants to Phi Chapter Housing Corporation for renovation, remodeling, equipment or operations of educational areas of Phi chapter (University of Kansas) house.
Provide grants to the Beta Xi Chapter House Corporation to support educational areas of the chapter house.