Support Love & Loyalty

To make a gift to one of the funds, click on the corresponding green Support this Fund button to be directed to the fund's giving form. If you're interested in learning more about how to establish a named endowed fund benefitting a specific Alpha Chi Omega program, contact us at

Alice Lohrman Andrews Opportunity Fund

Provides support for educational programs focused on social aspects of communication and character development.

Love & Loyalty

Alpha Chi Omega Visual Programming Fund

Grants provide access to National Convention speakers to a broader alumnae and collegiate network.

Love & Loyalty

Angela Costley Harris Fund for Fraternity Programs

Provides grants in support of educational and leadership programs.

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Betty Tudor Brown Leadership Fund

Supports priority educational and philanthropic programs.

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Collegiate Leadership & Management Training Fund

Grants support undergraduate leadership and management training.

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Darlene Gates Stevenson Fund for Convention Assistance

Provides grants to alumnae members to help cover the cost of attending Alpha Chi Omega's national convention.

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Ellen Little Vanden Brink Fund

Grants provides grants for leadership programs or resources for chapter officers or alumnae volunteers.

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Jensy Patterson Richards Diversity Equity & Inclusion Fund

Provides grants to support Alpha Chi Omega diversity, equity and inclusion programs.

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Jessie Bliss McGrew Freedom Fund

Supports educational programs related to domestic violence awareness and support for victims.

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Judy Evans Anderson Leadership Fund

Provides grants supporting educational and leadership programming.

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Karen Miley Grant for Collegiate Programming

Grants support educational and leadership programming for collegians and collegiate chapters.

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Katie Lampinen Gaffin Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Fund

Provides grants to support Alpha Chi Omega diversity, equity and inclusion programs.

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Leadership Academy Fund in Honor of Angela Costley Harris

Provides support for Leadership Academy.

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Love & Loyalty Fund

Benefits Fraternity programming and is used for funding of the annual Fraternity Grant.

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Marguerite Graham McWhirter Alumnae Fund

Provides grants to support alumnae programs.

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Marsha King Grady Leadership Fund

Provides grants in support of educational and leadership programs.

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Martha Hannegan Hanlon Education Fund

Supports educational programs of Alpha Chi Omega.

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Mary Gratton Davids Fund

Grants are used to support collegiate field services, including the chapter consultant training program.

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Mary Harrison Ford Fund

Grants are used to provide educational and leadership programming for alumnae.

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Mary Patricia Lambke Leadership Fund

Provides grants for educational and philanthropic programs.

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Nancy Nitchman Leonard Educational Fund

Annual grants support the cost of speakers for national Convention or other Alpha Chi Omega educational conferences.

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Pamela Haymes Graham Fund for Alumnae Programming

Provides grants to support alumnae programs.

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Rosita Hopps Nordwall Leadership Fund

Provides grants to support leadership training for collegiate and alumnae members.

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Ruth Miller Winsor Endowment Fund

Grants support educational and philanthropic programs.

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Sue Denson Esco Fund

Grants support programs in chemical/substance abuse prevention.

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Suzette Bewley Mathis Fund for Principled Leadership

Provides grants for programming related to ethical leadership.

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Suzy Ball Gunter Memorial Fund benefitting Let’s Talk Love

Provides grants to support the Let's Talk Love program.

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Virginia Nicolaus Ueberroth Leadership Fund

Provides grants to support leadership programming for collegiate members.

Love & Loyalty