To make a gift to one of the funds, click on the corresponding green Support this Fund button to be directed to the fund's giving form. If you're interested in learning more about how to establish a named endowed fund benefitting a specific Alpha Chi Omega program, contact us at
Provides grants to members suffering financial hardship due to crisis or life-changing situations.
Provides financial assistance to undergraduate members of Alpha Nu chapter (University of Missouri) facing financial difficulties due to life-changing circumstances.
Provides grants for members or the family of a member facing financial difficulties due to crisis or life-changing situations.
Provides grants for members facing financial difficulties due to the impact of natural disasters.
Provides need-based grants to members facing financial difficulties due to life-changing circumstances.
Provides grants to collegiate members facing financial difficulties due to crisis or life-changing situations.
Provides financial assistance to members experiencing financial difficulties due to life-changing circumstances with preference to members of Alpha Mu chapter (Indiana University) or Alpha Beta chapter (Purdue University).
Provides grants to collegiate or alumnae members of Epsilon Lambda chapter (University of Texas-Arlington) facing financial difficulties due to crisis situations.
Provides grants to members who are 50 years or older in need of financial assistance due to crisis or life-changing situations.
Provides grants to undergraduate members of Beta Epsilon chapter (Michigan State University) facing financial difficulties due to crisis or life-changing situations.
Grants provide financial assistance to members experiencing financial difficulties.