Education Sessions

Attend education sessions throughout convention to learn and grow personally and professionally. Hear from our keynote speaker, Jess Ekstrom, about stepping into your purpose while channeling your core mindsets. Convention attendees in specific roles, including alumnae chapter officers and alumnae volunteers, collegiate chapter officers and collegiate volunteers, and local house corporation representatives, will participate in training opportunities. Additionally, all education session participants have the opportunity to learn from Alpha Chi Omega alumnae about various topics in general breakout sessions.

Keynote Speaker

Jess Ekstrom

PACE Your Mind: Change Your Inner Dialogue and Step into Your Purpose 

Stepping into your purpose is entirely dependent on the quality of your mindset. The first step to achieving influence and massive success is editing your thought patterns and the negative feedback loops that are holding you back, then finding the growth mindset that will take you to the next level.  

Jess Ekstrom knows this better than anyone. She’s started two multi-million-dollar social enterprises that have helped women and girls all over the world, but not without a few trips and falls (OK, maybe more than a few!) on her climb to the top. 

This keynote will help Alpha Chi Omegas identify the five core mindsets we have and how to use them: The Reactor (happens in times of pressure), The Student (happens in new territory), The Lawyer (happens in conflict), The Dreamer (happens on the edge of opportunity) and The Evaluator (happens when we reflect on our life and progress). 



This track, designed for alumnae chapter officers and volunteers supporting alumnae chapters, will focus on member engagement, leadership development and the sisterhood created through the lifetime alumnae experience. Attendees will enjoy personal development, networking with fellow alumnae leaders and more. We look forward to exploring how our alumnae members and chapters can continue seeking the heights together! Questions? Please contact lifetime engagement. 


Collegiate chapter delegates, chapter advisors, province collegiate chairs and collegiate experience volunteers should plan to attend this track on Saturday and the first education block on Sunday. On Saturday, we will focus on discussing industry trends and utilizing the Sisterhood Survey results to strengthen areas of sisterhood, retention and operations. To kick off Sunday breakouts, we will focus on the strategic growth of collegiate chapters. We look forward to this valuable time together! If you have any questions, please contact collegiate experience.  


This track is intended for volunteers and officers from local house corporations. We will discuss preparing for the operational needs of today while working toward financial security for your corporation. Our time together will focus on topics such as:

  • Capital planning 
  • Setting a reserve goal amount 
  • Planning for the unexpected  
  • Working with your chapter on fee rates Overall planning for financial security  
    Worksheets and materials will be available for participants to take back to their board for further planning. Questions? Please contact housing.    


 Choose your own race, select general breakout sessions to attend and learn from Alpha Chi Omega alumnae. Session topics include cardiovascular health, supporting survivors, protecting First Amendment rights, building teams, coaching, personal finances, women’s leadership, networking and so much more. For the full list of education sessions, check out our education session line-up.