Convention Volunteers

We’re Building Our Team

Just like every IndyCar driver needs a solid team, Alpha Chi Omega needs volunteers for convention! Your help is essential to making this convention a success! We are looking for dedicated sisters who can assist with important tasks throughout the convention weekend, July 11-14, 2024. 

Are you an energetic person who loves helping others? Volunteer to be a hotel/airport greeter or registration support! Are you ready to connect with a room full of sisters and enjoy public speaking? Sign up to be an education session host! Do you enjoy networking and helping sisters make new connections? Being a Women & Wisdom Lounge host could be a great volunteer role for you! 

To learn more about all of the available volunteer opportunities, you can read our volunteer descriptions . Volunteers are not required to be convention attendees, although some opportunities may require part-time or full-time registration. 

Sign up to be a volunteer today!

If you have any questions about volunteering at convention, please contact our local volunteer chair, Joan Ketterman.


It wouldn’t be an Alpha Chi Omega convention without music! We’re looking for attendees who want to join the convention choir and share their vocal talents as well as their love of Alpha Chi music.  

Please email the volunteer inbox to express interest in joining the crew as a convention choir member.